Be the Human the World Needs Right Now

Babette Devereux
1 min readMar 9, 2021

Spring. In Colorado, Spring is a mixed metaphor. We will see our crocus, daffodils, and tulips rise with the knowing that a snow storm is coming. You have to be a brave gardener here to behold the beauty when it happens, in that moment.

Colorado’s Front Range has seen three days of unseasonably warm weather. And with that, I’ve experienced and witnessed the ensuing joy of living.

None more so than in witnessing my youngest yesterday. After spending hours playing and frolicking with her sister, she spoke of wanting to cry. I can relate. It’s the bittersweet feeling of realizing that all is right in our world when you slow down and let go.

My greatest fear of the aftermath of quarantine is of the real possibility that the adults of our world will not return to the joys of being human. To hug without fear. To step outside into the unknown.

Our children are watching. Show them that the real fear is in losing our humanity.



Babette Devereux

Ms. Devereux is a writer, puzzle-solving member of the wild-side gang often spotted for her mysterious flair in turn-signal applications.